miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

Birthday Girl

Earlier this week was my rezz date. That means I've been in SL for two whole years! So, in honour of my second SL birthday I indulged myself with new hair (yay!) and I hit some bars to have a drink or two.I can't believe how fast those years have gone by, it seems like only yesterday I was taking my very first photos.

I was pretty in a noob way, wasn't I? :P

There are a few things I wish somebody had told me so I wouldn't have to find out myself, so for those of you who haven't found out yet here's the Claudia's Guide To Look Awesome In Second Life! :P. Here it goes:

1 - Invest in a good shape. I spent way too much time in SL being way too tall and having the skinniest legs ever and I thought it looked fine! Thank god I finally gave up and bought a much better shape. My favourite ones are the Juicy Shapes, wich are created by the fellow blogger JuicyBomb. All the right curves in all the right places!

2 - Skip Freebie Markets. Yes, most of the things they have on these places are free, but most of the time the quality is so bad that the items aren't worth the lag. Instead check shops like Coco wich offer high quality group gifts. An extra tip: blogs like FabFree or Free*Style review free clothing and descounted items. My virtual wardrobe wouldn't be the same without them!

3 - Clean your inventory. It may not seem crucial if you've got only a few items, but if you're like me and try to be under 9,000 it becomes very important. Delete files that you won't use such as old clothing or notecards and use folders to separate your stuff.

4 - Shop in the marketplace. It's so much easier since you can use the search button to find what you want and you'll find new great stores. Plus, you won't have to fight the lag

5 - Windlight settings! Your browser and your snapshots won't ever look the same. If you're still hesitant, look up for a few tutorials and thank me later ;)

And that's it! If you've got more tips, let me know in the comments. Much love to you all!

I'm wearing:
Concrete flowers Emily Necklace (Zombie Popcorn Hunt)
Cupcakes Charm Peach Gloss
Lamb Stockings for Collabor88
Paper.Doll Sansa in Amehyst (25LS at paper.doll sale)
Milana hair

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